How to Unlock Windows 10 'GodMode'

by Brylian Foronda — on


Windows 10 God Mode

Found this article at [^] regarding some ‘GodMode’ configuration in Windows 10. Curious to what it was, I went ahead and unlocked it via an easy hack.

Unlock God Mode You Ask?

Step 1: Create a new folder on your desktop
  • Right Click on Desktop > New folder. You can also use the CTRL+SHIFT+N keyboard shortcut to make a new folder.
Step 2: Rename the folder.
  • Name this folder the following,

Actually, you can name the string before the . anything you want. For example

Step 3: Open the new ‘GodMode Shortcut’
  • The folder icon is replaced by an icon similar to a Control Panel icon immediately after renaming.

Desktop Folder

  • The list of configurable items that can be accessed in one ‘GodMode’ shortcut.


While this may be a rather convenient shortcut, I do not see myself using it as a way of accessing windows configurations. Mainly because I have become accustomed to the Windows 8 Charms shortcuts (Win + Q, Win + X, etc..). With Charms, I have the ability to search and specific which controls I need to access.

With Windows 10 being out for a couple of weeks now and given my role as an IT Manager, a tool that would be more beneficial the Remote Server Administration Tool (RSAT) for Windows 10. Microsoft, I am patiently waiting - having to remote into the domain controller to manage AD objects is so time consuming! :P